Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fashion Intern Firsts: My Messenger Run All Over New York City

Hi all,

So after thirteen hours and a few blisters later, I successfully completed my first week at my summer internship! After starting off the morning being literally nervous to the bone, I quickly found myself jumping right in since the big task for the day was to rapidly help pull and pack for an upcoming photo-shoot. While we were making our to-do lists (and checking it twice!), I managed to introduce myself to my fellow summer interns, and I must admit, I was surprised by how friendly everyone was! In an industry so cut-throat as this one is sketched out to be, I never would've guessed I'd make a handful of friends so soon, but somehow I got lucky!

And then it happened. My supervisor snagged me to go out on a messenger run for her. As cool and collective as I tried to make my face portray, inside my nerves were twisting in all kinds of ways since I'm still not quite used to the vigorous New York subway system. Yet after about the fourth run I had to go on (one right after the other!), I shocked myself by how fast I was catching on. Yes, it was about this time that Google Maps officially became my new best friend.

Although all I felt was exhaustion after scurrying all over the city, I quickly caught a second wind of energy when I returned to find another pile of tasks waiting for my completion. As tiresome and aching as my feet were becoming, the thoughts of all my bubbly blisters erased from my mind as soon as I looked out of the office window. There, right in front of my eyes, was the perfect overlook of the New York City skyline that everyone loves and adores. It was then that the sun was setting and the lights were coming alive that I completely forgot about how long I had been working that day and grew an even deeper appreciation of the internship I'm just now embarking on. With a thirteen hour work-day as my first day on the job, I can only imagine how much I am going to learn within the next 10 weeks team-tagging alongside such a motivational and influential group of people. And that thought is what I know will make all the long hours worth it.

Did any of you start summer internships this week? If so, how was it!?

Till next,
Fashion Intern

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