Monday, August 6, 2012

Ta Ta For Now NYC!

Well, Edsters, this is it; the big day has finally come. After eight months straight of interning, working 40+ hour weeks, and slaving over hot weather and hot coffee, it is time to bid adieu to the city that never sleeps so that I can finally get some. 

It has been an AMAZING experience and I do not regret leaving school back in the midwest for anything. So far I have learned so much about the magazine and fashion industries and about myself and my future career path. As I pack my bags and head out of my midtown apartment, all I can do is flashback to the day my parents left me in NYC.It was the first time I ever cried in front of my parents. I had never felt more fear, anxiety, or panic in my entire life up until my parents were getting in the cab to head back home and leave my in New York City, knowing absolutely no one. 

I instantly started bawling. I'm not happy to admit this, but I just sobbed like a big, fat newborn baby. I couldn't imagine being in a city of 8+ million people and knowing no one. Some people think it's an exhilarating experiment. I however, thought it was a terrifying form of torture. 

But, them leaving got the ball rolling for me. I learned how to branch out. I learned how to be more outgoing and friendly. I bonded with co-workers and things sort of blossomed from then on. 

New York has been so good and kind to me for eight months. I have felt like I transformed from a polite, passive Mid-Westerner to an assertive New Yorker with still keeping my Midwestern charm, tendencies, and to everyone out here apparently, my accent? Still so strange to me...

Anyway, my intern experience has been such a big part of my life for so long it's going to be so strange to go back to doing nothing but watching the Olympics and re-runs of Vampire Diaries all day long. But, as much as I loved being in NYC it's time for me to return home, go back to school, and enjoy being a carefree young adult for just a little while longer.

If not the biggest lesson I've learned since being out here, it's that we should all enjoy being the age we are when we have the opportunity to be it. I know that is a strange thing to think about. But, we only have four years of high school, then four years of college. I came out to NYC with having only two years left of college and thought I felt  so OLD. After hearing so many people's stories out here, I have never felt YOUNGER! 

We should all take advantage of our youth and our time to have summer, our time to be carefree, our time to experience new things and live life to the fullest. As cliche as I may sound, I have not wanted anything more than to just come home and go back to school to be surrounded by young life! 

Yes of course, I loved my time interning and I learned and gained such invaluable experience. But, I'm glad I got a glimpse into what my life could be like post-college. Right now, I'm happy to be in college and enjoying the time I have left. I used to want to rush, rush, rush through everything to get to the being an adult and working thing. Now, I'm content with where I am and what I have because I've seen what being a full-fledged working girl is like (without pay, I might add!) and I'm glad I know. But I'm also glad I can turn back into a pumpkin and have the chance to hold onto childhood a little longer.

So, Edsters, if you're still in your youth, I encourage all of you to seize every opportunity that comes your way and strive to do everything you can to intern in your area of choice. But, remember that interning should always be a learning experience and that you have the rest of your life to work so enjoy the right now and enjoy being young!

It's been a fun summer corresponding with you all and I wish you the best of luck in everything you choose to do. If you have any comments or questions or need advice on anything, please comment below because I'd love to hear from you and will of course get back to you!!

Thank you for reading, I truly appreciate all of you.

Fashion Intern

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your internship, It sounds like you really liked living in New york for the past 8 months. I really enjoyed reading this post. I hope you continue blogging and I look forward to reading many great post. I hope to become an intern this fall for a fashion magazine and you have inspired me to document my experience and share it on my blog.

    Best of luck in your new journeys.

