Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Exit Interview

At my other internship (at a talk radio station here in Mystery City, USA) we often do what are called exit interviews — one-on-one conversations with a politician or local figure leaving their position, or even the city. As I get ready to pack up my things and say goodbye to my cubicle at The Mag, I figure now is as good a time as any for my own little exit interview.

SUAVE HOST: Today on the show we have City Mag Intern from the Editorial Department of Big City Magazine and Blogger Extraordinaire from Ed2010, who is saying goodbye to a life of fact-checking, researching and pitching like a madwoman for a brief vacation and a return to Communication College to finish up her degree. Thanks for being here, City Mag Intern.

CITY MAG INTERN: Pleasure to be here, Suave Host.

SH: So, City Mag Intern, how does it feel to be leaving the Intern Den?

CMI: Well, I definitely have mixed feelings about leaving. I’ve learned a lot about how a local city mag runs, but there are a lot of things I still want to learn that unfortunately, I didn’t get to. I guess that’s always how it is with an internship — you get to do a lot of what you don’t expect, but what you do learn is incredibly valuable.

SH: Would you care to expand on that? What didn’t you learn that you wanted to?

CMI: I guess I wanted to see more of the process of putting together the Mag. We didn’t really get to sit in on editorial meetings, which I was really looking forward to. I also wanted more interaction with the other departments -- art, web, even marketing. We did get to do some cool round tables with some of the higher-ups in those departments, but I still feel like I could know more about how the magazine goes from being ideas on paper to a printed, beautiful book read all over this part of the country.

SH: That’s fair. But you must have had some great moments too. What were some of your favorites?

CMI: Oh, definitely getting to know the Food and Style editors and helping them out with projects. Eating oysters and clams with the Food Editor will forever be one of my most fun assignments for The Mag. Also, seeing my name in print -- in the Best Of issue, no less! -- was an amazing feeling. I totally grabbed 10 copies and sent them off to my recently transplanted West Coast friends to make them miss The City. And my mom, of course.

SH: Congratulations! That must be a very cool feeling. So, what’s next for you and magazines? Will you be staying at The Mag, or moving on?

CMI: I was very flattered that The Mag asked me to return as an intern for the fall, but unfortunately, I had to decline. Like most Edsters, I’m totally overcommitted once school starts, and since I’m going into my senior year, I’ve got a lot of heavy-duty classes and stuff going on. I’m going to be the Managing Editor for my school’s great non-fiction magazine, and am taking some great writing and reporting courses with some of the best professors in the journalism department (including the chair himself -- gulp!) I’m also going back to my on-campus job, as well as continuing to choreograph for and dance with my school’s Dance Company. I may also be picking up a slot DJing at our radio station, so my plate is pretty full -- in a good way! And then of course there’s that whole looking for my dream job thing. That’ll be an interesting ride.

SH: Well, sounds like there’s only good things ahead for you, City Mag Intern. We wish you the best of luck.

CMI: Thank you! It was wonderful talking to you, as always.

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